Honoring Susan Bransfield
Pictured left to right: Selectman John Dillon, former First Selectwoman Susan Bransfield, Selectman Jim Tripp, and former Selectman Ralph Zampano.
Former First Selectwoman Susan Bransfield received the Governor William A. O’Neill Public Service Award on Monday, October 30th at the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce member breakfast in Rocky Hill. The award is given for outstanding public service to Middlesex County and the State of Connecticut, and we can think of no one more deserving.
Even though Susan has been retired for two years, Portland has continued to reap the benefits of her two decades of leadership and her administration’s successes and careful planning. Before Susan left office, she successfully completed many projects, set in motion others, and further ensured Portland's continued success by securing grant funding for future improvements.
The current construction we see happening around town is the product of Susan's thoughtful future planning for the town she loves and dedicated so many years of hard work to. The sidewalk improvements we see ongoing around town right now are from a grant Susan secured for the community in 2021. The senior center kitchen renovation project that was just completed was made possible by the grant she submitted before retiring in 2021. The ongoing riverfront remediation is a result of her commitment to clean up the riverfront through brownfield remediation grants she successfully sought in 2020.
The new fire pumper truck, the new roof on Company 2 Fire Department, our newly renovated salt shed, all the new windows at the Buck Foreman Center, and the forward motion on the Brainerd Place Development are all results of Susan’s hard work and dedication to her community.
Susan Bransfield has the deep gratitude of her community and we are delighted to see her honored by the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce for her leadership and many years of service. Portland will undoubtedly benefit from her leadership for years to come.